Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Finding the right eye doctor and eye center in Concord and north Charlotte

When print becomes difficult to read and regular objects start to become unrecognizable, a couple of visits to your local eye doctor and eye center should be scheduled to determine the state of your vision. Choosing from a variety of eye doctors in your city does not have to be time consuming nor does it have to be a hassle. There are great eye centers located in the surrounding area of Concord and north Charlotte such as Cabarrus Eye Center that offer a line-up of highly qualified and well-trained ophthalmologists and optometrists to provide you with the treatment and care you need to restore your eyesight.

What are the different types of eye doctors?
Eye doctors may be among the most consulted doctors in the United States. Based from a study by the Vision Council of America, an estimated 75% of the American population need some type of vision correction, whether contacts, glasses or eye surgery. There are several kinds of eye doctors that are knowledgeable in the field of eye care and it is all about choosing the best one for you. Here are the most common eye doctors you may know:

Ophthalmologists are one class of eye doctors who specialize in the medical and surgical field of optometry. They are authorized to diagnose, treat and manage any eye condition or eye disease one may be experiencing. Overall, ophthalmologists are fully-licensed to provide you with complete and extensive eye care you will need.

Just like ophthalmologists, an optometrist can diagnose, treat and manage eye conditions and manage particular eye diseases however optometrists are not licensed to perform certain surgical procedures. Optometrists usually examine patients with eye conditions such as near-sightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism then provide treatment or prevention (prescription glasses, contacts, etc.) to the patient.

An optician can be classified as the sidekick of an ophthalmologist and/or optometrist as opticians help the other eye doctors with patient care before and after diagnosis and treatment. Opticians are also known to specialize in the fitting of lenses and ocular prosthetics.

What to consider when choosing an eye doctor?
Our sense of vision is something we should never neglect. Finding the right eye doctor is the first step to improving your eyesight. First and foremost, eye doctors must have the appropriate credentials and education. How many years has this eye care center been in the business and does the eye doctor have enough experience? Lastly, recommendations from friends or family are always helpful. Nothing beats hearing comments from someone you trust.

Taking care of our eyes is just as important as taking care of our personal health, so if you have experienced or are experiencing any symptoms of deteriorating vision, drop by an eye center in your area of Concord and north Charlotte and consult an eye doctor today.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Cataract eye surgery can make a difference

Cataract eye surgery may sound scary, but it’s amazing the difference it can make in your vision. Your eyes are one of the most important parts of you. As our bodies age, changes may come about and our vision may be compromised by conditions such cataracts in our eyes. But you don’t have to experience the struggles of blurry and poor vision anymore, with the wonder and ease of cataract eye surgery. Cataract eye surgery has become one of the safest and most effective way of improving eye sight and the only way to remove a cataract.

What is a cataract?
A cataract is an eye condition where the lens of the eye begins to cloud. As the condition progresses, you may start to notice the cloud form in the eye. This cloud causes somewhat of an obstruction making light unable to pass through, initiating the first symptoms of vision loss. Aging, medication, genes, eye injuries and sickness are said to be some of the few causes of cataract.

Will a cataract go away on its own?
Do not depend on the cataract to go away in time as it will only get worse if a cataract eye surgeon is not consulted for treatment and prevention. Blindness may even occur if you continue to let the cataract develop to such an extent. Luckily, there is an excellent eye center in Concord, and north Charlotte that is licensed to perform such successful procedures as cataract eye surgery.

Cataract eye surgery is a revolution in the surgical world and has become one of the most frequently performed surgeries in the United States alone. The loss of sight is something all of us expect as we get older however; it can easily be improved with cataract eye surgery.

When a cataract eye surgeon performs cataract eye surgery, a very small incision is made in the eye and the cataract is then carefully removed using advanced tools and technologies. A clear plastic lens or implant is placed in the eye and vision is ultimately restored. Because you will be given topical anaesthesia before the procedure is started, you will absolutely feel no pain throughout the whole cataract eye surgery process which usually only takes about ten to twenty minutes. You will be amazed at how much better you see immediately after the procedure. Normal activities can begin as early as the next day, after surgery.

Quick, safe and effective, cataract eye surgery is definitely your best option if you are looking to improve your altered vision. Don’t wait for further complications to arise when a simple procedure such as cataract eye surgery can certainly make all the difference. If the road ahead seems a little hazy, consult a local ophthalmologist in your area of Concord and north Charlotte today and you will start to see life in a much clearer perspective.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Restylane and Sculptra: youthful beauty without surgery

Have you been looking at the mirror and feeling quite unhappy about what you see? Are you seeing wrinkles, fine lines, folds and creases? We all dread to think about or actually see these undesirable features on our faces. What’s unsettling is the thought that you may need a fortune to restore your youthful looks and you have to go under the knife, too. Now that Restylane and Sculptra are available right here in Concord and north Charlotte, you can look as young as you think you are. Let’s admit it, deep inside we don’t really feel our age.

As we age, our skin goes through many changes. Other factors can also speed up these changes. Smoking, exposure to the sun (or use of tanning beds), air pollution, heredity and other factors can cause age-related signs to appear earlier than we expect. As much as we want to age like wine, our bodies do not work that way. On the average, wrinkles and lines on adults’ faces start appearing when they are in their late 20s and these become deeper and more obvious through the years. You don’t have to feel guilty of wanting to look younger; everybody wants that.

Without resorting to cosmetic surgical procedures, you can get rid of wrinkles and folds on your face. Sculptra and Restylane are US FDA approved injectable solutions for age-related skin problems. What’s more, you can have any of this right here in Concord and north Charlotte. Cosmetic injection has become a popular alternative to cosmetic surgery because it is less invasive, faster and has little or no recovery time. Unlike other cosmetic techniques, it does not also have undesirable side effects like scarring and pigment changes.

Restylane, dermal filler made of hyaluronic acid, is injected into facial skin to add fullness and volume. As a result, your wrinkles and folds are flattened. It is so effective in treating mouth grooves, forehead lines, frown furrows, lipstick lines and crow’s feet that it is has been injected over 11 million times worldwide as of 2010. You can go to your local Restylane specialist and see a younger looking you right after treatment. It has been clinically proven to provide results that last up to 18 months, with only one follow-up treatment at either 4.5 or nine months.

Sculptra Aesthetic works differently to correct shallow to deep wrinkles and folds. Your Sculptra trained doctor will administer this injectable filler every three weeks until you complete four sessions. Gradual replacement of lost collagen gives you a more subtle transformation. In this case, patience is a virtue that gives you young-looking skin for up to 25 months!

In Concord and north Charlotte, you have the two most effective and longer lasting answers to the problem of aging facial skin. No need to dream of costly and potentially risky plastic surgery. It’s time to find out from your local Restylane and Sculptra specialist the difference these options can make for your looks and self-esteem. Visit your cosmetic doctor now.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Age-Defying Solutions and Beauty Restoration at Cabarrus Eye Center by Dr. Gary T. Raflo, M.D. FACS

Dr. Gary T. Raflo, M.D. FACS
Cabarrus Eye Center is truly your one-stop shop for vision correction as well as cosmetic restoration in Concord, north Charlotte, NC and surrounding areas. As one of the board-certified and fellowship-trained doctors, Dr. Gary T. Raflo takes the eye center concept to a new level with cosmetic procedures like Botox, Restylane and Sculptra Aesthetics that restore beauty diminished by the waning years.

Dr. Raflo, a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, is a trusted surgeon for refractive as well as eyelid reconstructive surgery and cosmetic surgery. For a more refreshed, youthful look in the eye area, you can ask Dr. Raflo to expertly remove excess skin, bulging fat, and lax muscle or give you a brow lift. Those who want to have a permanent eyeliner also go to the eye center to avail of his quality of care.

What’s more remarkable is that Dr. Raflo is also an expert in cosmetic procedures that restore your younger looking beauty without performing surgery. Some people call surgery “going under the knife” for reasons that have nothing to do with the skill of the surgeon or the possible risks of the operation. They may want solutions that they can afford financially and physically. Meaning, they want to pay less and have faster or no recovery time.

At Cabarrus Eye Center, your trusted specialist in non-surgical cosmetic procedures can give you Restylane, Sculptra Aesthetic or Botox to renew your beauty which is somehow compromised by wrinkles and folds due to age. If you’ve heard about Botox (a muscle-relaxing protein) which provides rejuvenated facial appearance up to four months, you’ll be amazed at how the other two procedures can give you excellent results that last four to six times longer. And these are available right in Concord, north Charlotte and surrounding areas.

For a faster route to regaining youthful looks, you can have Restylane done at the eye center. Immediately after treatment you will see amazing results that lasts up to 18 months. All it takes is an injection of FDA-approved hyaluronic acid filler to your sub dermal facial tissues, smoothing your skin to diminish wrinkles and aging lines of the face. If your problem is nose to mouth lines, sad mouth corners, crow's feet or frown lines, visit Dr. Raflo in Concord to know first-hand how Restylane can correct these age-related problems.

For those who want subtle transformation or solution to almost the same age-related issues but with a longer lasting effect, Dr. Raflo offers Sculptra.  Instead of instant beauty rejuvenation, it provides gradual collagen replacement in four sessions with an interval of three weeks. Loss of collagen is one of the main reasons why the shape and volume of our faces change as we age. Depressions on the facial skin can be corrected by strengthening loosened collagen fibers. What you get is restored crease-free beauty for up to 25 months or two years. 

Cabarrus Eye Center does not only take several years off your age with non-invasive cosmetic procedures but also $100 off your second Sculptra or Restylane treatment. With an offer like this, you can stop worrying about the cost or risk of surgery and start reclaiming your younger-looking beauty.

Overall, Dr. Gary T. Raflo and Cabarrus Eye Center provide options to meet your needs and suit your preferences for solving cosmetic or vision problems. Surely, you will find that you can’t possibly be wasting time when you visit because of the wide range of services they offer in Concord, north Charlotte and surrounding areas.    
(* image above is not an actual patient)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Eyelid surgery enhances appearance while taking the years off

Are your eyes telling lies about your age? Do you always look tired even though you feel energetic and full of life? The problem could be in the tissue around your eyes. Puffiness, bags under the eyes, droopy eyelids and wrinkling may add years to your appearance or may make you appear sick and unwell. Luckily, there is help. Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, can correct these problems leaving you with a youthful, energetic appearance.

What is blepharoplasty?
Blepharoplasty is the medical term for eyelid surgery. This outpatient procedure can be performed by a Concord cosmetic eye doctor. By removing excess tissue and skin from the eyelids while strengthening the muscles of the area, your eye surgeon can give you a new, younger looking appearance that brightens your entire face.

Under the eyes
If the area under your eyes appears puffy or if despite adequate rest you still have bags under your eyes, blepharoplasty may be the solution to your problem. When eyelid surgery is performed on the lower eyelids, the results are dramatic. Before and after photos of patients who have had the procedure show the improvement in overall appearance and the restored look of youthfulness and vitality.

Upper eyelids
For patients who have droopiness in the upper eyelids or excessive skin and folds above the eye, blepharoplasty has positive results as well. Some patients opt to have eyelid surgery on the upper eyelid to better define, or create, the eyelid crease. Other patients want to remove excess tissue to enhance the appearance of the eye.

Improving peripheral vision
Blepharoplasty can also be done for functional, rather than cosmetic reasons. If excessive skin or folds of skin extend past the eyelashes and over the eye, peripheral vision can be compromised. Peripheral vision is critical for driving and other skills including reading. Eyelid surgery can correct this problem and restore a full range of vision.

Beginning the process
If you are considering eyelid surgery in Concord or north Charlotte NC, the first step is to make an appointment with an eye surgeon. After a full medical history and evaluation is completed, photographs of your eyes will be taken and the ophthalmologist will discuss the procedure and outcomes with you. Together, you can decide if blepharoplasty is right for you.

Eyelid surgery can be performed in the eye surgeon’s office as an outpatient procedure. If, however, eyelid surgery is not the best option for you, other non-surgical procedures may be more appropriate.
To restore a youthful appearance to your eyes and face, call the best eye doctors in Concord and north Charlotte NC.