Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Seeing Clearly After LASIK Eye Surgery

Do you seat yourself close to the front at church or a movie to help you see better? Do you hold the newspaper at arm’s length while leaning back to try to make out the fine print? Do you squint a lot? Is it hard to recognize friends and colleagues until they are nearly in front of you? Is it hard for you to keep up with your glasses or contact lenses? If you answered yes to any of these questions or if you know you aren’t seeing the world as clearly as you could, you may be a candidate for LASIK eye surgery.lasik-flap

LASIK eye surgery is considered refractive surgery because it reshapes the cornea. The cornea focuses light to create an image on the retina, a process called refraction. When the cornea is misshapen, the image becomes blurred and unfocused. For some people, this results in myopia, or nearsightedness. For others, hyperopia, or farsightedness is the problem. Still other patients have an astigmatism which means that the shape of the cornea is causing the vision problem. By restoring the cornea to its proper shape, the patient’s vision can be restored or greatly improved. 

LASIK stands for Laser Assisted In-Situ Kertomileusis. During LASIK surgery, a flap is cut in the cornea. By pulling the flap to the side, the opthamologist is able to reach the stroma, or middle part of the cornea. Using an excimer laser, the specialist of Concord, North Carolina Cabarrus Eye Center can reshape the cornea without harming the surrounding eye tissue. The entire LASIK procedure can be done through an appointment at the Concord, North Carolina Cabarrus Eye Center. Recovery time for LASIK eye surgery is relatively short. Most patients report an immediate improvement in the quality of their vision.

LASIK eye surgery was approved by the FDA in 1998. Since then, millions of people worldwide have had the procedure. In a meta-analysis of studies, researchers found that over 95% of patients who have had LASIK eye surgery are pleased with the outcome of the procedure. 

Although LASIK is a very effective and popular procedure, it may not be the best laser vision correction surgery for you. There are alternatives. The best place to start when considering laser vision correction, whether LASIK or other, is with a knowledgeable, experienced, board certified opthamologist. Dr. Gary Raflo, M.D., F.A.C.S. is the expert in laser eye surgery at Concord, North Carolina Cabarrus Eye Center. Dr. Raflo can provide a full evaluation and assessment of your vision correction needs. He can discuss if LASIK is right for you or if another procedure would be more beneficial.

See more clearly and consider the alternative to glasses or contact lenses. To discuss LASIK eye surgery or other laser vision improvement procedures, make an appointment by calling Cabarrus Eye Care in Concord, North Carolina at 704-782-1127. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Blepharoplasty- Eyelid Surgery in Concord, NC

What is blepharoplasty?  It’s a long word that means eyelid surgery. This type of eyelid surgery is a great way to improve vision and the cosmetic appearance of an eye.

As we grow older, our skin ages and loses its elasticity. The loss of elasticity and the pull of gravity cause excessive skin to collect in the upper and lower eyelids.   These actions sometimes cause wrinkles and bulges on the eyelids. An extra fold of skin may develop that will hang over the eyelashes and obstruct vision.

What is Blepharoplasty – eyelid surgery?

Blepharoplasty is an outpatient eyelid surgery. It can be done with your Concord, North Carolina Cabarrus eye specialist, and usually takes about 30 minutes to an hour.  The procedure is done under a local anesthesia by injecting a painkiller around the eye and also providing an oral sedation.  Sutures are put in the eyelids and remain for up to ten days.

Blepharoplasty- is it covered by insurance?

Most insurance companies cover eyelid surgery if the patient’s eyelids are drooping to a level that his or her vision is impaired. Your Concord, North Carolina Cabarrus eye specialist will help determine if your procedure is medically necessary. If the procedure is not medically necessary, it will be considered a cosmetic procedure and insurance does not cover cosmetic procedures.

How do I find a surgeon who does Blepharoplasty?

Qualified ophthalmologists who perform Lasik eye surgery and Cataract eye surgery are very experienced and familiar with Blepharoplasty surgery. Consult your Concord, North Carolina Cabarrus eye specialist right away to determine if Blepharoplasty is a good option for you.

Friday, July 22, 2011

LASIK Eye Surgery Restores Vision to Many Americans

According to the American Academy of Opthamology, each year about 700,000 Americans undergo LASIK eye surgery to correct vision problems including myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) and astigmatism (vision problem associated with the misshape of the eye). LASIK surgery has a 95.4% satisfaction rate worldwide as reported by the Eye Surgery Education Council. With so many people having such a positive experience, perhaps you should consider if LASIK is right for you.

What is LASIK?

LASIK stands for Laser Assisted In-Situ Kertomileusis. In plain language, it is a vision correction procedure that uses an excimer laser which can reshape and correct the cornea without harming surrounding tissue. It is refractive surgery, a surgery that corrects problems with the cornea and the focusing of light onto the retina, but can be performed in a relatively short period of time as an outpatient procedure. Most people opt for LASIK to reduce or eliminate the need for wearing contacts or corrective lenses.

How does LASIK work?

During the LASIK surgery, a flap is cut in the cornea. When this flap is lifted back, the opthamologist is able to use the excimer laser on the stroma, or middle layer of the cornea. The cornea is the part of the eye that focuses light to create images on the retina. This is called refraction. It is not uncommon for the cornea to be misshapen. By reshaping the cornea, the opthamologist is able to correct vision problems resulting from refraction problems. Once the cornea has been reshaped, corrective lenses or contacts will most likely not be needed or needed only for specific tasks.

Is LASIK safe?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of LASIK eye surgery in 1998. Since that time, millions of Americans have gone through the procedure with great success. As with any surgery, LASIK is not for everyone and a different type of laser eye surgery or other corrective treatment may be more appropriate depending on your circumstances.

The first step to determining if LASIK surgery is right for you is to make an appointment with an experienced, board certified opthamologist who specializes in corrective laser procedures. During the first appointment, the opthamologist will take a full medical history and examine your eyes. The Cabarrus Eye Center doctors, can also explain the procedure in more detail and discuss the outcomes, advantages and possible risks with you. If LASIK is not the best procedure for you, there may be other options. In any event, you can rely on the doctors and staffs at Concord, North Carolina, Cabarrus Eye Care to give you the attention, time and information you need to make the best decision about your eye care.

Dr. Gary Raflo, M.D., F.A.C.S. at Cabarrus Eye Center in Concord, North Carolina is an expert in LASIK and other laser vision correction surgeries. If you are interested in the possibilities LASIK or other laser procedures may hold for your improved vision, make your appointment by calling 704-782-1127.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Concord, North Carolina Residents Racing to Eye Specialists for Cataract Removal

Concord, North Carolina residents live by the town motto, “High Performance Living”. Concord, North Carolina, Cabarrus Eye Center specialists, can help when cataracts begin to slow you down or impair your quality of life. With so many opportunities to be active and involved in our community, don’t let cataracts put the brakes on your high performing lifestyle.

Signs of cataracts

Cataracts develop slowly so patients are not always aware of the problem. Concord, and North Charlotte's Cabarrus Eye Center specialists, can help to identify this problem in patients. There are some signs that you may be developing cataracts and should lead you to make an appointment with your Concord, North Carolina, Cabarrus Eye Center specialist right away. If you’ve experienced blurring of your vision, or gradually worsening vision, cataracts may be to blame. Other signs can include a change in the hue of the colors you see. Colors may appear faded like an old photograph or there may be a brown or yellow hue to all that you see. In either case, cataracts may be the culprit. Finally, if you’ve noticed a change in your ability to see at night, you should make an appointment with your Concord, North Carolina, Cabarrus Eye Center doctors to have your eyes checked for cataracts.

What is a cataract?

A cataract is actually a clump of protein that forms on the lens of the eye. The proteins are naturally occurring in the composition of the lens, but when they clump together, patients begin to experience vision problems. It is important for the lens to be clear so that light and images can pass through to the retina. A cataract is nothing to fear, and is a problem that can be easily corrected with surgery. Concord, North Carolina’s best eye specialists can evaluate your eyes carefully and make the best recommendation for you if you have developed cataracts.

Who gets cataracts?

Cataracts are sometimes thought of as an inevitable part of aging. Although they are more likely to occur as we age, there are other reasons cataracts may develop. Patients who have been treated for glaucoma or who have had an eye injury in the past may be more at risk for developing cataracts. Cataracts are also more likely to develop in people who are diabetic. Long periods of exposure to sunlight may also contribute to cataracts. If you believe you are at risk for developing cataracts, contact a Concord, North Carolina, Cabarrus Eye Center doctor, to make an appointment to discuss your risk factors and current condition.

Cataract eye surgery According to the National Eye Institute, associated with the National Institute of Health, cataract eye surgery is one of the most common operations performed in the United States. It is considered one of the safest and most effective surgeries. Concord, North Carolina’s trusted eye doctors have the experience and training to perform these surgeries and to improve the vision of their patients. Don’t compromise your vision or your quality of life for a problem that is easily treated. Contact your Concord, North Carolina eye specialist today to schedule an appointment to have your eyes evaluated today. 704-782-1127.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Cabarrus Eye Center in Concord, North Carolina Helps Patients See Crystal Clear

Eye specialists at Cabarrus Eye Center of Concord, North Carolina are improving the outlook for the future, one pair of eyes at a time. Trusted, experienced and knowledgeable eye doctors offer a wide range of vision services and products. Patients of all ages are seeing clearer after a visit to the Cabarrus Eye Center.

Evaluation and diagnostic services for your eyes
At Cabarrus Eye Center, eye doctors use state-of-the-art equipment to screen and evaluate the vision of their  patients. Whether checking a child’s vision in preparation for school or determining the presence of cataracts in an adult, these eye specialists can be trusted to perform a comprehensive evaluation. These  Concord, North Carolina eye specialists can also evaluate patients for glaucoma, macular degeneration, problems involving the retina, adult strabismus and pediatric eye disorders.   Other disorders or problems can also be identified and treated by Cabarrus Eye Center doctors.

Eye Treatments and surgery
Cabarrus Eye Center eye specialists are board certified and experts in their field. With many years of experience, they can treat any eye problem. Treatments for glaucoma, retinal disorders, pediatric eye disorders and cosmetic enhancement are all part of the services offered at the eye center. In addition, surgery to remove cataracts, implant lenses, address more complicated cases of glaucoma and retinal disorders can be performed by the best eye specialists. Laser and Lask vision correction procedures are popular among Concord, North Carolina residents who want to leave glasses and contact lenses behind. Even cosmetic treatments are available to enhance the appearance of the eye and surrounding tissue.

Eyewear and Contact Lenses
Cabarrus Eye Center in Concord, North Carolina  offers one-stop appointment to address your vision problems. With a boutique of eyewear and contact lens options on site, you can go straight from the eye doctors’ office to finding the perfect frames to suit your look and personality. The best eye center is stocked with the latest styles in frames from top designers. In addition, specialty glasses for sports and active living can be filled with your prescription. Don’t forget to have your prescription put in sunglasses for optimal eye protection and clear vision throughout the year. Top opticians can fill even the most unique prescriptions.

Family eye care center for Concord and North Charlotte, NC
The Cabarrus Eye Center in Concord, North Carolina care for the entire family.  From small children being evaluated for possible pediatric vision problems to senior citizens wanting to restore their vision, these eye doctors take the time to evaluate and treat each patient and his or her needs.  Dedicated eye doctors want their patients to experience better vision and an improved quality of life.  Let the best eye specialists in Concord, North Carolina care for the vision needs of your family today.   Call to make an appointment at the Cabarrus Eye Center today. 704-782-1127.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Enjoying Life in Concord, North Carolina After Cataract Removal

Concord and north Charlotte residents are becoming reacquainted with the beauty of their town, homes and families after experiencing cataract removal surgery with Concord eye specialists.  Concord, North Carolina prides itself on “High Performance Living”.   Anyone who has suffered from cataracts can tell you that cataracts can put the brakes on your quality of life.  Concord, North Carolina eye doctors can restore your vision with safe and effective cataract eye surgery.

Concord, North Carolina residents enjoy a rich cultural life.  The Galleries, on the first floor of the 1876 courthouse in downtown Concord, offer a variety of changing, eclectic exhibits.  Enjoying the rich hues and details of the artists’ work is difficult if one’s vision is impaired by cataracts.  Cataracts can impact the variety of colors one sees and make it difficult to discern details.  Some people with cataracts complain of a brown or yellow hue to everything they see.   Don’t miss the beautiful colors and details of art.   Talk to your Concord, North Carolina eye specialist about the possibility of cataracts and they options available through cataract eye surgery.

Maybe you’ve always enjoyed the theatre.  The Davis Theatre, upstairs from The Galleries in downtown Concord, North Carolina, stages wonderful productions.   To fully enjoy the work the actors, crews and performers put into their work, you need clear vision.  Cataracts, however, can impair your experience at live performances and movies as well.  Cataracts are clumps of protein which form on the lens of the eye.   Because they develop gradually, cataracts may not be noticed initially.  Rather, the patient begins to notice problems with blurry vision and trouble focusing on detail.  The patient may also complain of problems with night vision or dark places such as theatres.  A visit to your Concord, North Carolina eye doctor can have you enjoying the performances at the Davis Theatre or movie theatre once again.

Do you enjoy shopping at Concord Mills Mall? Have you found it more difficult to discern among the colors on the racks of clothes.  Distinguishing between dark colors such as dark blue and black can be difficult especially for patients with cataracts.  Cataracts affect the amount of light actually passing through the lens to the retina.  Thus, variations in color can be difficult for patients with cataracts to detect.  A Concord, North Carolina eye doctor can discuss your options for cataract removal and lens restoration.  In some cases, the cataract can be dissolved from the lens through a process call phacoemulsification.  In other cases, replacing the lens may be the better option.  In either event, the procedure is considered one of the safest and most effective surgeries performed in the United States today (National Eye Institute, 2011).  Your trusted, experienced Concord, North Carolina eye specialist can discuss your options with you.  Don’t hesitate.  Make an appointment to discuss cataract removal with your Concord, North Carolina eye doctor today.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Cataracts removed in Concord, North Carolina

Concord, North Carolina citizens are rediscovering the beauty around them after cataract eye surgery. Cataracts are a common eye problem; but thanks to highly trained and experienced eye doctors in Concord, clear eyesight is being restored to many Cabarrus county residents. The National Eye Institute, part of the National Institute of Health, reports that cataract removal surgery is one of the most common and safest surgeries performed. There is no reason to suffer from declining and blurred vision when Concord, North Carolina eye experts in Cabarrus Eye Center can correct the problem with cataract removal surgery.

Cataracts have a way of sneaking up on folks. Cataracts develop gradually. Has your vision seem more blurred over time? have you assumed that worsening eyesight is just a sign of aging? Although cataracts may result from aging, there are other factors that can contribute to the development of cataracts. People who have diabetes are at increased risk for developing cataracts. Also, people who smoke or drink, or who have spent long periods of time exposed to bright sunlight may develop cataracts. Eye injuries can result in cataracts even long after the fact. Concord, North Carolina eye specialists in Cabarrus Eye Center have experience with cataract removal and can restore your vision.

Do things seem off-color to you? Are colors less vivid? As cataracts develop, they cause a change in the hues of what you see. Life around you may appear tinted like an aged photograph with either faded colors or an overall brown or yellow hue. Cataracts make it more difficult to distinguish between similar dark colors such as dark blue and black. Cataract eye surgery can correct these problems. Your Concord, North Carolina eye doctor in Cabarrus Eye Center can discus cataract removal options with you. Through phacoemulsification, your Concord eye specialist can break up the cataract on the lens. In other instances, your Concord eye doctor may recommend replacing the lens. In either case, the procedure is safe and effective. You'll be seeing and enjoying the full spectrum of colors again.

Cataracts can lead to subtle changes in your behavior that impact your quality of life. Many people with cataracts report having difficulty seeing at night and avoid driving after dark for that reason. If you are rushing home before sunset and skipping evening outings, your like is being impacted. The solution is simple. Visit your Concord eye doctors in Cabarrus Eye Center for an evaluation. If cataracts are causing the problem, corrective surgery can provide you with the freedom you've given up to avoid night time outings.

Concord, North Carolina has the city motto "High Performance Living". Get out and enjoy all our town has to offer. Don't let cataracts impair your lifestyle. Contact your Concord eye specialists in Cabarrus Eye Center right away to discuss the options for treating cataracts and restoring your vision. 704-782-1127.