Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Finding the right eye doctor and eye center in Concord and north Charlotte

When print becomes difficult to read and regular objects start to become unrecognizable, a couple of visits to your local eye doctor and eye center should be scheduled to determine the state of your vision. Choosing from a variety of eye doctors in your city does not have to be time consuming nor does it have to be a hassle. There are great eye centers located in the surrounding area of Concord and north Charlotte such as Cabarrus Eye Center that offer a line-up of highly qualified and well-trained ophthalmologists and optometrists to provide you with the treatment and care you need to restore your eyesight.

What are the different types of eye doctors?
Eye doctors may be among the most consulted doctors in the United States. Based from a study by the Vision Council of America, an estimated 75% of the American population need some type of vision correction, whether contacts, glasses or eye surgery. There are several kinds of eye doctors that are knowledgeable in the field of eye care and it is all about choosing the best one for you. Here are the most common eye doctors you may know:

Ophthalmologists are one class of eye doctors who specialize in the medical and surgical field of optometry. They are authorized to diagnose, treat and manage any eye condition or eye disease one may be experiencing. Overall, ophthalmologists are fully-licensed to provide you with complete and extensive eye care you will need.

Just like ophthalmologists, an optometrist can diagnose, treat and manage eye conditions and manage particular eye diseases however optometrists are not licensed to perform certain surgical procedures. Optometrists usually examine patients with eye conditions such as near-sightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism then provide treatment or prevention (prescription glasses, contacts, etc.) to the patient.

An optician can be classified as the sidekick of an ophthalmologist and/or optometrist as opticians help the other eye doctors with patient care before and after diagnosis and treatment. Opticians are also known to specialize in the fitting of lenses and ocular prosthetics.

What to consider when choosing an eye doctor?
Our sense of vision is something we should never neglect. Finding the right eye doctor is the first step to improving your eyesight. First and foremost, eye doctors must have the appropriate credentials and education. How many years has this eye care center been in the business and does the eye doctor have enough experience? Lastly, recommendations from friends or family are always helpful. Nothing beats hearing comments from someone you trust.

Taking care of our eyes is just as important as taking care of our personal health, so if you have experienced or are experiencing any symptoms of deteriorating vision, drop by an eye center in your area of Concord and north Charlotte and consult an eye doctor today.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Cataract eye surgery can make a difference

Cataract eye surgery may sound scary, but it’s amazing the difference it can make in your vision. Your eyes are one of the most important parts of you. As our bodies age, changes may come about and our vision may be compromised by conditions such cataracts in our eyes. But you don’t have to experience the struggles of blurry and poor vision anymore, with the wonder and ease of cataract eye surgery. Cataract eye surgery has become one of the safest and most effective way of improving eye sight and the only way to remove a cataract.

What is a cataract?
A cataract is an eye condition where the lens of the eye begins to cloud. As the condition progresses, you may start to notice the cloud form in the eye. This cloud causes somewhat of an obstruction making light unable to pass through, initiating the first symptoms of vision loss. Aging, medication, genes, eye injuries and sickness are said to be some of the few causes of cataract.

Will a cataract go away on its own?
Do not depend on the cataract to go away in time as it will only get worse if a cataract eye surgeon is not consulted for treatment and prevention. Blindness may even occur if you continue to let the cataract develop to such an extent. Luckily, there is an excellent eye center in Concord, and north Charlotte that is licensed to perform such successful procedures as cataract eye surgery.

Cataract eye surgery is a revolution in the surgical world and has become one of the most frequently performed surgeries in the United States alone. The loss of sight is something all of us expect as we get older however; it can easily be improved with cataract eye surgery.

When a cataract eye surgeon performs cataract eye surgery, a very small incision is made in the eye and the cataract is then carefully removed using advanced tools and technologies. A clear plastic lens or implant is placed in the eye and vision is ultimately restored. Because you will be given topical anaesthesia before the procedure is started, you will absolutely feel no pain throughout the whole cataract eye surgery process which usually only takes about ten to twenty minutes. You will be amazed at how much better you see immediately after the procedure. Normal activities can begin as early as the next day, after surgery.

Quick, safe and effective, cataract eye surgery is definitely your best option if you are looking to improve your altered vision. Don’t wait for further complications to arise when a simple procedure such as cataract eye surgery can certainly make all the difference. If the road ahead seems a little hazy, consult a local ophthalmologist in your area of Concord and north Charlotte today and you will start to see life in a much clearer perspective.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Restylane and Sculptra: youthful beauty without surgery

Have you been looking at the mirror and feeling quite unhappy about what you see? Are you seeing wrinkles, fine lines, folds and creases? We all dread to think about or actually see these undesirable features on our faces. What’s unsettling is the thought that you may need a fortune to restore your youthful looks and you have to go under the knife, too. Now that Restylane and Sculptra are available right here in Concord and north Charlotte, you can look as young as you think you are. Let’s admit it, deep inside we don’t really feel our age.

As we age, our skin goes through many changes. Other factors can also speed up these changes. Smoking, exposure to the sun (or use of tanning beds), air pollution, heredity and other factors can cause age-related signs to appear earlier than we expect. As much as we want to age like wine, our bodies do not work that way. On the average, wrinkles and lines on adults’ faces start appearing when they are in their late 20s and these become deeper and more obvious through the years. You don’t have to feel guilty of wanting to look younger; everybody wants that.

Without resorting to cosmetic surgical procedures, you can get rid of wrinkles and folds on your face. Sculptra and Restylane are US FDA approved injectable solutions for age-related skin problems. What’s more, you can have any of this right here in Concord and north Charlotte. Cosmetic injection has become a popular alternative to cosmetic surgery because it is less invasive, faster and has little or no recovery time. Unlike other cosmetic techniques, it does not also have undesirable side effects like scarring and pigment changes.

Restylane, dermal filler made of hyaluronic acid, is injected into facial skin to add fullness and volume. As a result, your wrinkles and folds are flattened. It is so effective in treating mouth grooves, forehead lines, frown furrows, lipstick lines and crow’s feet that it is has been injected over 11 million times worldwide as of 2010. You can go to your local Restylane specialist and see a younger looking you right after treatment. It has been clinically proven to provide results that last up to 18 months, with only one follow-up treatment at either 4.5 or nine months.

Sculptra Aesthetic works differently to correct shallow to deep wrinkles and folds. Your Sculptra trained doctor will administer this injectable filler every three weeks until you complete four sessions. Gradual replacement of lost collagen gives you a more subtle transformation. In this case, patience is a virtue that gives you young-looking skin for up to 25 months!

In Concord and north Charlotte, you have the two most effective and longer lasting answers to the problem of aging facial skin. No need to dream of costly and potentially risky plastic surgery. It’s time to find out from your local Restylane and Sculptra specialist the difference these options can make for your looks and self-esteem. Visit your cosmetic doctor now.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Age-Defying Solutions and Beauty Restoration at Cabarrus Eye Center by Dr. Gary T. Raflo, M.D. FACS

Dr. Gary T. Raflo, M.D. FACS
Cabarrus Eye Center is truly your one-stop shop for vision correction as well as cosmetic restoration in Concord, north Charlotte, NC and surrounding areas. As one of the board-certified and fellowship-trained doctors, Dr. Gary T. Raflo takes the eye center concept to a new level with cosmetic procedures like Botox, Restylane and Sculptra Aesthetics that restore beauty diminished by the waning years.

Dr. Raflo, a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, is a trusted surgeon for refractive as well as eyelid reconstructive surgery and cosmetic surgery. For a more refreshed, youthful look in the eye area, you can ask Dr. Raflo to expertly remove excess skin, bulging fat, and lax muscle or give you a brow lift. Those who want to have a permanent eyeliner also go to the eye center to avail of his quality of care.

What’s more remarkable is that Dr. Raflo is also an expert in cosmetic procedures that restore your younger looking beauty without performing surgery. Some people call surgery “going under the knife” for reasons that have nothing to do with the skill of the surgeon or the possible risks of the operation. They may want solutions that they can afford financially and physically. Meaning, they want to pay less and have faster or no recovery time.

At Cabarrus Eye Center, your trusted specialist in non-surgical cosmetic procedures can give you Restylane, Sculptra Aesthetic or Botox to renew your beauty which is somehow compromised by wrinkles and folds due to age. If you’ve heard about Botox (a muscle-relaxing protein) which provides rejuvenated facial appearance up to four months, you’ll be amazed at how the other two procedures can give you excellent results that last four to six times longer. And these are available right in Concord, north Charlotte and surrounding areas.

For a faster route to regaining youthful looks, you can have Restylane done at the eye center. Immediately after treatment you will see amazing results that lasts up to 18 months. All it takes is an injection of FDA-approved hyaluronic acid filler to your sub dermal facial tissues, smoothing your skin to diminish wrinkles and aging lines of the face. If your problem is nose to mouth lines, sad mouth corners, crow's feet or frown lines, visit Dr. Raflo in Concord to know first-hand how Restylane can correct these age-related problems.

For those who want subtle transformation or solution to almost the same age-related issues but with a longer lasting effect, Dr. Raflo offers Sculptra.  Instead of instant beauty rejuvenation, it provides gradual collagen replacement in four sessions with an interval of three weeks. Loss of collagen is one of the main reasons why the shape and volume of our faces change as we age. Depressions on the facial skin can be corrected by strengthening loosened collagen fibers. What you get is restored crease-free beauty for up to 25 months or two years. 

Cabarrus Eye Center does not only take several years off your age with non-invasive cosmetic procedures but also $100 off your second Sculptra or Restylane treatment. With an offer like this, you can stop worrying about the cost or risk of surgery and start reclaiming your younger-looking beauty.

Overall, Dr. Gary T. Raflo and Cabarrus Eye Center provide options to meet your needs and suit your preferences for solving cosmetic or vision problems. Surely, you will find that you can’t possibly be wasting time when you visit because of the wide range of services they offer in Concord, north Charlotte and surrounding areas.    
(* image above is not an actual patient)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Eyelid surgery enhances appearance while taking the years off

Are your eyes telling lies about your age? Do you always look tired even though you feel energetic and full of life? The problem could be in the tissue around your eyes. Puffiness, bags under the eyes, droopy eyelids and wrinkling may add years to your appearance or may make you appear sick and unwell. Luckily, there is help. Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, can correct these problems leaving you with a youthful, energetic appearance.

What is blepharoplasty?
Blepharoplasty is the medical term for eyelid surgery. This outpatient procedure can be performed by a Concord cosmetic eye doctor. By removing excess tissue and skin from the eyelids while strengthening the muscles of the area, your eye surgeon can give you a new, younger looking appearance that brightens your entire face.

Under the eyes
If the area under your eyes appears puffy or if despite adequate rest you still have bags under your eyes, blepharoplasty may be the solution to your problem. When eyelid surgery is performed on the lower eyelids, the results are dramatic. Before and after photos of patients who have had the procedure show the improvement in overall appearance and the restored look of youthfulness and vitality.

Upper eyelids
For patients who have droopiness in the upper eyelids or excessive skin and folds above the eye, blepharoplasty has positive results as well. Some patients opt to have eyelid surgery on the upper eyelid to better define, or create, the eyelid crease. Other patients want to remove excess tissue to enhance the appearance of the eye.

Improving peripheral vision
Blepharoplasty can also be done for functional, rather than cosmetic reasons. If excessive skin or folds of skin extend past the eyelashes and over the eye, peripheral vision can be compromised. Peripheral vision is critical for driving and other skills including reading. Eyelid surgery can correct this problem and restore a full range of vision.

Beginning the process
If you are considering eyelid surgery in Concord or north Charlotte NC, the first step is to make an appointment with an eye surgeon. After a full medical history and evaluation is completed, photographs of your eyes will be taken and the ophthalmologist will discuss the procedure and outcomes with you. Together, you can decide if blepharoplasty is right for you.

Eyelid surgery can be performed in the eye surgeon’s office as an outpatient procedure. If, however, eyelid surgery is not the best option for you, other non-surgical procedures may be more appropriate.
To restore a youthful appearance to your eyes and face, call the best eye doctors in Concord and north Charlotte NC.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Taking your child to a pediatric eye doctor in Concord, Cabarrus County or north Charlotte

When your child has an issue with his or her eyes, it’s important to visit a pediatric eye doctor. Trained pediatric eye doctors in Concord NC can diagnose and treat any eye problems your child may have. Our children’s eyes are so very essential to their well-being. Hopefully your child won’t have any issues with his or her eyes, but it’s important to have regular eye checkups and to take your child to a qualified pediatric eye doctor when any unusual symptoms arise. At that time, it’s good to have an excellent pediatric eye doctor you can visit. A good pediatric eye doctor will examine your child’s eye and let you know if any treatment is necessary.

Some ophthalmologists offer special waiting rooms with children’s videos, toys and books for kids. These friendly settings calm your child and help them see the pediatric eye doctor as someone who can help them, and not someone to fear. In addition, your Concord and north Charlotte pediatric eye doctor can offer special afternoon hours to accommodate school schedules.

Call and verify that the pediatric eye doctor accepts your health insurance. Then make an appointment for your child to be seen. Here is some information on a typical visit with a pediatric eye doctor.

Your child may be nervous about going to a pediatric eye doctor, but nowadays, pediatric eye doctors create a welcoming environment that helps kids stay at ease. Sometimes children are nervous when the pediatric eye doctor or his or her assistant wants to put drops in their eyes. It is helpful for you, as the parent, to talk with your child, in advance, and tell them that the pediatric eye doctor knows what she is doing and will not hurt them.

Some issues are commonly diagnosed in childhood- such as crossed eyes. Crossed eyes are also called Strabismus. Strabismus is an eye disorder, which sometimes runs in families. If you have Strabismus history in your family, then it’s important to have your child get an eye exam from a qualified pediatric ophthalmologist early in life. The earlier Strabismus is diagnosed, the easier it is to correct.

There are several other common eye problems in children. In some cases, children can lose their vision due to some serious problems so it’s important to get your child to a pediatric eye doctor if you have any questions or concerns. While a child is young, it’s usually easier to cure or treat an eye disorder, than if you wait for the child to become a teenager or adult. Kids have a growing and changing body that heals easier than adults do. Catching eye issues early is best- so if you have any concern about your child, see your Concord, Cabarrus county and north Charlotte pediatric eye doctor.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Youthful, refreshed eyes restored with eyelid surgery in Concord and north Charlotte NC

Droopy, wrinkled puppy dog eyes are really cute…on puppies. On adults, drooping, puffiness, bagging and wrinkling around the eyes are seldom called cute. Instead, these problems around the eyes can add years to your face. Do well-meaning friends often ask you if you’re tired? Do you look in the mirror and wonder why you look older than you feel? The problem could be in the tissue around your eyes which is giving you a tired, older appearance. Don’t despair; there are solutions to restore youthfulness to your eyes.

Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that involves removing excess skin and fat from the eyelid while strengthening and reinforcing the muscles. When performed on the lower eyelid, blepharoplasty can take away the puffiness and bags that appear under the eyes. When this eyelid surgery is performed, the incision can be made on the inside of the eyelid preventing visible scarring. Before and after pictures of people who have had this procedure are quite dramatic. 

Eyelid surgery can also be performed on the upper eyelids. For some patients, the surgery can involve repositioning tissue to create a crease in the eyelid. For others, removing tissue and strengthening the muscles of the eyelid can alleviate drooping or puffiness. The result is an eyelid restored to its youthful suppleness. After recovery from this surgery, patients often look years younger as well as looking energetic and refreshed.

Blepharoplasty is also performed for functional reasons. Specifically, some patients have eyelids which droop or fold over the eyelash line. This can affect peripheral vision. Driving and reading are both impacted when peripheral vision is impaired. Eyelid surgery can correct this problem and restore a full range of vision to the patient.

Whether you are considering eyelid surgery for cosmetic or functional reasons, it is important that you consult an expert in blepharoplasty. You need an eye surgeon in Concord and north Charlotte that is experienced and one you can trust. You need an excellent ophthalmologist who will evaluate your medical history and current condition, take photographs of your eyes and discuss the procedure and outcomes with you. If blepharoplasty is an option that is right for you, the surgery can be performed at your Concord eye doctors’ office in an outpatient procedure. If blepharoplasty is not the best choice for you, other non-surgical options may be suggested. 

Call today to discuss the possibility of eyelid surgery with an experienced, highly qualified doctor in Concord, north Charlotte area. Our eye doctors at Cabarrus Eye Center are ready to answer all your questions. You have nothing to lose except years off the appearance of your eyes.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The risks of cataract eye surgery

A cataract developing in your eyes will not likely make you blind at first. The condition usually starts small that you can't hardly feel the slow degeneration of your sight. In fact if you are not so observant and very particular about what you feel, there is a very highly probably chance that you will notice the cataract growth until too late.

When not given the proper medical attention, a cataract can rapidly grow and make you blind in no time. It can even develop into a more complicated vision impaired condition.

Should you go for cataract eye surgery?
Once you are diagnosed with cataracts, it is also inevitable that the eye cataract surgeon you consulted in Concord, Cabarrus County will recommend cataract eye surgery to correct your eyes' condition.

When you think of the eyes --- a very sensitive part of your body add to that the thought of surgery, for sure there will be a certain fear in your heart. But you can easily unburden it by talking to a cataract eye surgeon who can tell you everything about the procedure you have to go through.

When you visit the cataract eye surgeon in a Cabarrus eye center, you will have a better understanding of the necessity and immediacy of the cataract eye surgery. No amount of medication can control the growth and advancement of your eye condition unless you agree to have the doctor take if off.
Not going through the cataract eye surgery is the main and only risk involved. As far as technology is concern, there is no other way to cure an eye inflicted with cataract growth. The only assurance you will have is the fact that all procedures use highly technical methods and it is the safest.

Restylane injections: alternative method to bring back your youthful look

Once you reached your 40's and beyond, wrinkles and laugh lines around your eyes and mouth will become a permanent facial accessories unless you do something about it. There are a lot of methods and medical procedures that you can try to solve your problem. These are all effective methods but needs the guidance of a specialist.

Since individual persons have their own particular needs and specific type of skin, it is recommended that you consult with the best Concord, Cabarrus cosmetic doctor before deciding on any procedure. Your doctor can advice you as to what is the best and most effective method for your type.

One very popular solution to erase wrinkles and unsightly facial lines is the use if Restylane injections. It has been proven safe and effective to use for all skin types as well as the severity of your complaints.

Users have come to love Restylane injections not only because of its effectiveness to erase wrinkles but also for the method used to apply it. Unlike other procedures that involved surgery, Restylane injections are quite mild in terms of the pain and recovery period a patient has to undergo after the procedure. Since most people are afraid of surgery, this is the only solution that will work for them.

The most important thing about this anti-ageing process is its superb formulation that protects users from having any allergic reactions. Since it is injected directly to the area of your face where wrinkles abound, cosmetic doctors who formulated it have made all efforts to use ingredients that do not have any animal protein.

To bring back that youthful look and to boost your sagging self-esteem caused by those unsightly wrinkles and lines on our face, consult a Restylane injection specialist in your Concord, Cabarrus County area. They will show you the way and answer all your questions before you go through the procedure.

Advantages of Cataract eye surgery

Cataract eye surgery is on the rise because more and more people each day are learning about cataracts and the dangers they present. Finding a good cataract eye surgeon to remove your cataracts is important if you want to maintain your vision. People often complain about how poor their vision is once they discover they have cataracts. More often, they wish they had saved time and gotten cataract eye surgery sooner. If you have cataracts and you are looking for a cataract eye surgeon, skilled eye surgeons are available in Concord and north Charlotte NC.

A cataract is the clouding of the lens of your eye. This means that your vision is cloudy and you are not able to see as clearly as you should be. Cataracts start small, but quickly grow into a major disturbance in your vision. With age, the cataracts get worse and so does your vision. It is important to visit your eye doctor so that he or she can examine your eye to determine if you have developed cataracts. The sooner you know, the faster you can consult with a cataract eye surgeon about having your cataracts removed.

Cataract eye surgery is a simple but delicate procedure. The cataract eye surgeon makes a small incision in the side of the front part of your eye. After that, a tiny instrument is inserted that gently removes the cataract. Then, the doctor inserts a new lens that will improve your vision. The doctor then seals the incision and the patient is sent home with a protective shield over their eye to recover. Consult with a cataract eye surgeon in Concord and north Charlotte NC to have all of your further questions answered and concerns eased.

The thought of dealing with loss of vision is a frightening thing for a person to deal with. That is why it is so important to determine whether you have cataracts. There are many painless ways for your eye doctor to test your vision to see if you have cataracts. The sooner you have cataract eye surgery, the better.

How Cataract eye surgery affects you in the future
If you are middle aged and older and have cataracts, having cataract eye surgery is your best bet for a bright and clear future. It’s vital to have your eyes checked, regularly, to make sure you have the best vision possible. Along with age, smoking and diabetes can also add to the complications caused by cataracts.

When to contact a Cataract eye surgeon in Concord
If you have cloudy or blurry vision, you should contact an eye care professional. Another way to tell if you have cataracts is if you often have to change your eyeglasses prescription or contact lenses. Eventually, people with cataracts experience poor night vision and often see double. If you wait too long to consult with your eye doctor, you could risk losing the color in your vision. Now is the time to act! Life is too beautiful not to be seen as clearly as possible. Consult your local cataract eye surgeon in Concord and north Charlotte now to get on the road to crisp and clear vision.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Advantages of Restylane injections

Restylane injections can bring back youthful skin to adults who have reached and passed their prime. Restylane is an acid-based gel that can turn back the hands of time to give skin back its elasticity and youthful look. As we age, our skin gets thinner and loses its ability to “bounce” or snap back into place. Restylane is normally used to fill in the creases caused by laughter and frowns over the years, better known as wrinkles. This includes the sensitive skin around the eyes. Restylane is disbursed as an injection in a doctor’s office. There are a few risks that may present themselves after injections, but consulting with a Restylane injection specialist in Concord and Cabarrus county will take care of any questions or concerns.

When presented with a product like Restylane, most people are concerned with whether or not it contains animal proteins. Restylane is completely animal protein-free, so it would be very uncommon to have an allergic reaction to it. The utmost affects from Restylane includes mild swelling that typically does not last for more than a few days, maximum.

How Restylane injections can affect your future
If you are middle aged and older, having wrinkles can be a telling sign of your true age. You are only as young as you feel, and Restylane injections are the best confidence booster for someone wanting to get back out into the world and not be looked at differently for having wrinkles. Like most people, you want to age gracefully. For those not fortunate enough to have wrinkle-free skin, Restylane is the perfect alternative option. If injected correctly by a professional, like the ones in Concord and Cabarrus county, Restylane can give patients the ultimate results.

A great factor about Restylane is the duration of the effects. The full effects of Restylane become apparent in the vicinity of a few hours to a few days. As time progresses, so do the results. Each day, the hyaluronic acid combines with greater accesses of water and broadens the skin. In as little as a few days, your skin will be better than it was at your prime. The best part about Restylane is that the results last from six to nine months and injections can resume quickly after that period of time.

When to contact a Restylane injection specialist in Concord
Wrinkles can have a negative impact on self-esteem. People often begin to feel inadequate when they feel they are “old.” When you are ready to step out on the town or go after a job that is normally intended for people half your age, having wrinkles is an unnecessary hindrance from opportunities that may present themselves. The time to break out of your shell and come from behind your wrinkles is now. Seize the opportunity to having younger looking skin in just a few minutes by contacting a Restylane injection specialist in Concord and Cabarrus county area.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Restylane injections as an alternative to cosmetic eye surgery in Concord and Northern Charlotte, NC

Maintaining wrinkle-free skin around the eyes is something we all desperately try to maintain as we get older, but nothing we do naturally will be able to fight the signs of aging unless a local cosmetic eye surgeon in your area of Concord and North Charlotte, NC is to perform cosmetic eye procedures such as Restylane injections.

For some people, the eyes tell the story to your soul, but what kind of story would you be telling if others could only see wrinkles and lines? Rather than going through the unpleasant feeling of cosmetic eye surgery to reduce those unwanted marks, treatment such as Restylane injections can definitely minimize the appearance of unwanted wrinkles.

What are Restylane injections and are they safe?
Restylane is basically the name for the injectable fillers used on cosmetic patients being treated for wrinkles. This substance is made from a formula of non-animal sourced hyaluronic acid which can naturally be found in connective and neural tissues, meaning this stuff is not some big pot of chemicals, but a natural acid found in the body.  With that said, Restylane injections are considered safe just as long as the procedure is done by a professional and experienced cosmetic eye surgeon or ophthalmologist.

Why opt for Restylane injections instead of having cosmetic eye surgery?
The thought of having any type of surgery at all terrifies people, but we all can understand why. No one likes to feel uncomfortable and having a cosmetic eye surgeon perform such a procedure on you is a very unfamiliar and higher risk. When cosmetic eye surgery is completed, permanent alterations are made in the area and because of that, one will not have the option to undo the changes made. Thus, if one is not satisfied with the outcome of the surgery, there is nothing that can be done to restore the previous structure of the eye area.                   

As for Restylane injections, lines around the eyes will significantly diminish, however the effects only last for a certain amount of time. Depending on your skin type, 6 months is usually how long the results endure. Normally, if you want to continue to sustain the firm and more contoured look around the eye area, it is advised to come back every 6 months to 12 months, again depending on how your personal skin receives the fillers.

Is Restylane injections right for me?
No one can really determine that other than the cosmetic eye surgeon or ophthalmologist in your region of Concord and north Charlotte, NC.  Your Concord ophthalmologist will do an initial consultation to find out of you are a good candidate for the procedure.

Cosmetic doctors are available to answer any general questions you may have about the procedure of Restylane injections or the topic of cosmetic eye surgery, so do not hesitate to set up an appointment with your local Concord or north Charlotte ophthalmologist today.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Advantages of LASIK eye surgery

LASIK eye surgery is becoming more commonplace as a cosmetic surgery. Many people in the United States have had LASIK eye surgery, and those who haven’t are considering this wonderful procedure available to them.

For  the best possible results, it is important to find an experienced LASIK eye surgeon to perform this procedure . In the fast-paced society of today, people are often inconvenienced wearing a pair of glasses; or worst, do not have enough time to maintain wearing contacts particularly doing the important routine required to keep them properly maintained. The easiest solution presents itself in the form of LASIK eye surgery. Having laser eye correction frees people to do as they please without their vision being a factor in hindering them from the things they want to do. If you are considering laser eye correction and are looking for a laser eye surgeon, and live in Concord or north Charlotte, a very experience eye surgeon is available to you.       
Do you qualify for LASIK eye surgery and is it right for you?
LASIK eye surgery is a very common surgery that is mainly performed for those who want to correct certain vision problems. The main objective of LASIK eye surgery is to restore eyesight to 20/20 vision. A Concord laser eye surgeon usually performs this procedure in around thirty minutes. That means it is both quick and effective.

LASIK is a laser eye correction that stands for Laser-Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis. When your laser eye doctor performs the correction, your cornea is refashioned so that light enters your eyes in a better way than before. Your laser eye doctor will tell you that LASIK eye surgery targets nearsightedness and farsightedness. LASIK eye surgery is for all ages, and even those in their twenties will benefit from being able to get rid of their glasses. There is little risk involved with LASIK eye surgery, and the few risks that do present themselves can easily be corrected by your laser eye surgeon. For optimal results, contact your Concord laser eye surgeon.

When to contact a LASIK eye surgeon in Concord
Whether you have a fast or medium-paced lifestyle, LASIK eye surgery could benefit you. Keeping up with glasses and contacts can be a hassle and some consider them a fashion misstep. LASIK eye surgery is the most modern and efficient way to have great eyesight with as little effort on your part as possible. When you are ready to lead a worry-free life as far as your vision is concerned, LASIK eye surgery is the outstanding option for you. Nearly 80 percent of patients never have to go back to eyeglasses or contacts again after having laser eye surgery. The sooner you get in contact with a laser eye surgeon in Concord, the better for your vision.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Improved vision without corrective lenses through LASIK

Are you one of the millions of Americans who is either nearsighted or farsighted? Have you been told you have astigmatism? Most likely, you have been prescribed glasses or contact lenses to help improve your vision. What if there was a way you could restore your vision so glasses or contacts were not necessary? There is a way – LASIK eye surgery has successfully restored vision to millions of people.

LASIK, or Laser Assisted In-Situ Kertomileusis, is a procedure to correct vision that uses a special laser called an excimer laser to reshape and correct problems of the cornea without hurting the surrounding eye tissue. Any surgery that corrects problems with the cornea and the focusing of light onto the retina is called refractive surgery. Because of the use of lasers, LASIK can be performed during a fairly short outpatient procedure. LASIK surgery is performed on over 700,000 Americans per year and over 95% of the patients worldwide who have the procedure report high levels of satisfaction with the results.

LASIK surgery is an FDA approved procedure which involves using lasers to reshape the cornea. The cornea is important to vision because it focuses light to produce images on the retina, a process called refraction. If the cornea is misshapen, which is common, the image is distorted. As a result, people may experience myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) or astigmatism. A flap is cut in the cornea during LASIK surgery. This flap can be lifted back so that the ophthalmologist is able to work on the stroma, or middle layer of the cornea. Using the excimer laser, your Concord ophthalmologist is able to reshape the cornea without damaging the surrounding eye tissue. This helps correct vision problems resulting from refraction problems.

When a trained, experienced ophthalmologist performs LASIK surgery, the results are evident very soon after the surgery. Recovery from LASIK is much quicker than other conventional surgeries. Once the corneas have been reshaped through LASIK, vision becomes more clear and focused. Corrective lenses or contacts may no longer be necessary, or if necessary, only for very specific tasks.

LASIK surgery and other laser surgeries to improve eyesight require the experience of a highly qualified ophthalmologist. We believe that LASIK surgery is not the best option for all patients for there may be alternative laser procedures that are more appropriate but this can be an option. The best way to determine if LASIK is right for you is to make an appointment at the best eye care center in Concord and north Charlotte. Your ophthalmologist will give you the information necessary to know if LASIK surgery is right for you.

Cataract eye surgery to help residents of Concord and North Charlotte see clearly again

Are you having trouble reading the paper or watching television? Is it too hard to drive at night, due to increasing diminished vision? Have you noticed your vision getting worse, foggy, blurry or it is just harder to see what used to be easy to see?

Over twenty million Americans over the age of 40 are diagnosed with cataracts. Cataracts won’t go away with medicine or therapy- but cataracts can cause blindness and gradually take away more of your vision if you don’t do something to stop it. If your vision is decreasing and you are having trouble seeing or doing simple tasks that were once easy to do- such as reading a magazine, it’s time to contact your local Concord or northern Charlotte ophthalmologist and find out if you have cataracts.

Removal of cataracts requires cataract surgery
Cataract eye surgery is the only treatment for cataracts. There is no medical treatment other than surgery that will completely take care of cataracts. Your local Concord or north Charlotte eye doctor can evaluate your eyes and see if you have cataracts and if you are a good candidate for cataract eye surgery.

Dont worry- cataract surgery isn’t a big deal
Dont put off getting cataract eye surgery, if you need it. The procedure is very easy, and you’ll be walking around that afternoon and seeing much better on the way home from surgery. The next day, after taking it easy- you can return to normal activities.

You are awake during the surgery, and aware of what’s going on around you. The surgery only takes a few minutes. Many people say that once they’ve had cataract surgery they wished they had not waited so long. Don’t let your fears stop you from repairing your eyes and seeing clearly again.

Cataract eye surgery is quite a simple procedure
Today, cataract eye surgery is a simple out-patient procedure. The process takes only a few minutes, and most cataract eye patients are amazed at the difference in their vision, immediately after surgery. You are also given choices about premium lens. Premium lens can help with viewing different distances and some people actually see better then before their cataract eye surgery and no longer need glasses to read.

Insurance coverage and cataract eye surgery
Most insurance companies will cover your cataract eye surgery, minus the deductible. Premium lens are usually an additional cost, but some people find that not having to wear glasses or reduced use of glasses is worth the additional fee. Your Concord and north Charlotte cataract eye surgeon can explain to you the various options. Cataract eye surgery can make a dramatic difference in your vision. Make an appointment with your Concord or north Charlotte cataract eye surgeon today.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Concord, North Carolina residents turn to Cabarrus Eye Center eye specialists for clear vision of the future

Cabarrus Eye Center eye doctors in Concord, North Carolina  want to help their patients get the most out of living.  With so much to do and see, it is little wonder that patients are hurrying into the best eye center to improve and restore their vision.   From art to theater to shopping to sporting events, Concord, North Carolina has it all and it is all best enjoyed through clear eyes.

Viewing the art of life
Concord, North Carolina is home to The Galleries located on the first floor of the 1876 courthouse.  To truly enjoy the changing exhibits, one needs to be able to see the details and rich colors of the artists’ work.  The Cabarrus Eye Center in Concord is the place to start if you’ve noticed blurriness, trouble focusing or difficulty making out fine details.  Through a comprehensive examination, your ophthalmologist can diagnose and treat any vision problem.  Whether you need corrective lenses or opt for a laser correction surgery, it’s important to find the best eye doctor for your needs.  With restored vision, you can enjoy not only the art at the galleries, but the precious works of art created by children and grandchildren.  Clearer vision will also allow you to enjoy the multitudes of family pictures stowed in albums and shoe boxes.

All the world’s a stage when you have great vision
Just upstairs from The Galleries, the Davis Theatre hosts outstanding live performances.  To fully enjoy a performance or play, it is best to be able to see the details of the stage, the set, the costumes and the performers.  Clear vision makes this possible.  If you are more attracted to the silver screen, you know how frustrating it can be to sit in the theatre watching a blur on the screen trying to pick out details from the audio.  Maybe you just enjoy a few hours of people watching at Concord Mills Mall.  Wherever you enjoy watching the drama of daily life, here at Cabarrus Eye Center in Concord, North Carolina eye specialists can enhance, improve and restore your vision so you don’t miss a single detail.

“High Performance Living”
Concord, North Carolina boasts the town motto: “High Performance Living”.  The best eye center and eye doctors are here to help you live the motto.  Sports and outdoor recreation are an important part of life in Concord.  Check out the Cabarrus Eye Center Optical Shop for specialized eye wear for sports and recreation.  After a comprehensive, updated eye exam, your prescription can be fitted to a variety of frames including those designed for sports and outdoor activities.  Don’t let poor vision keep you from living the motto.
Cabarrus Eye Center eye specialists are on a mission to be sure all residents have healthy eyes and clear vision.  Make an appointment with the top eye doctors at Cabarrus Eye Center in Concord, North Carolina to have your eyes evaluated as soon as possible.  You can trust in the best eye center in town.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Eyelid Surgery at Cabarrus Eye Center Restores Youth and Beauty to Eyes in Concord

Are your eyelids looking different? Have you flipped through old photos and yearbooks recently?  If you have, you probably laughed a little and wondered where the years have gone.  Maybe you even marveled at how young you looked in those photos.  Signs of aging sneak up on us gradually and certain parts of our faces show the effect of years more than others.  The tissue around our eyes, for example, is especially susceptible to wrinkling, “bagging” or appearing puffy and tired.  Cosmetic eye surgery at Cabarrrus Eye Center in Concord, North Carolina can help reverse those effects helping to give you a younger, more energetic appearance.

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is usually performed for cosmetic reasons.  Our lower eyelids can show signs of aging.  Puffiness, the appearance or bags under the eyes and wrinkling can make eyes appear heavy, tired and aged.  Blepharolplasty involves removing or moving excessive skin and fat from the eyelid to restore it to a more youthful appearance.  In addition, the muscles and supportive tissue of the eyelid are strengthened.   On the upper eyelid, eye lid surgery can be performed to remove or move excessive skin or fat which results in drooping, tired looking eyes.  Some patients, including those of Asian heritage, often choose to have blepharoplasty to create a crease in the upper eyelid. 

Eyelid surgery may also be performed if a patient is suffering from poor peripheral vision due to excessive skin on the upper eyelids.  When excessive skin folds over the eyelashes or the actual eye, vision is compromised.  For these patients, eyelid surgery is functional as opposed to cosmetic.  After the surgery, these same patients have restored peripheral vision which is important for driving and reading.

Whether you are considering blepharoplasty for cosmetic reasons, functional reasons, or both, it is important that you receive treatment from Cabarrus Eye Center, the best eye care center in Concord and north Charlotte NC.  In order to determine if blepharoplasty is right for you, an initial appointment is made to review your medical history, conduct a thorough examination, take photographs of your eyes and discuss the procedure and outcomes.  If you and the doctor decide you could benefit from the surgery, your eye surgeon will explain the process and procedures in more detail.  If blepharoplasty does not seem like an option, the ophthalmologist can discuss other options available to you.  In either case, at Cabarrus Eye Center, you can rely on our experience and expertise. As the best eye doctors in Concord and north Charlotte, NC we can help you make that decision.

If you’re tired of looking tired and aged, make an appointment with Cabarrus Eye Center, your local Concord and north Charlotte eye center. If blepharoplasty is right for you, your eyes and face may be looking refreshed, energetic and more youthful sooner than you can imagine.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Seeing Clearly After LASIK Eye Surgery

Do you seat yourself close to the front at church or a movie to help you see better? Do you hold the newspaper at arm’s length while leaning back to try to make out the fine print? Do you squint a lot? Is it hard to recognize friends and colleagues until they are nearly in front of you? Is it hard for you to keep up with your glasses or contact lenses? If you answered yes to any of these questions or if you know you aren’t seeing the world as clearly as you could, you may be a candidate for LASIK eye surgery.lasik-flap

LASIK eye surgery is considered refractive surgery because it reshapes the cornea. The cornea focuses light to create an image on the retina, a process called refraction. When the cornea is misshapen, the image becomes blurred and unfocused. For some people, this results in myopia, or nearsightedness. For others, hyperopia, or farsightedness is the problem. Still other patients have an astigmatism which means that the shape of the cornea is causing the vision problem. By restoring the cornea to its proper shape, the patient’s vision can be restored or greatly improved. 

LASIK stands for Laser Assisted In-Situ Kertomileusis. During LASIK surgery, a flap is cut in the cornea. By pulling the flap to the side, the opthamologist is able to reach the stroma, or middle part of the cornea. Using an excimer laser, the specialist of Concord, North Carolina Cabarrus Eye Center can reshape the cornea without harming the surrounding eye tissue. The entire LASIK procedure can be done through an appointment at the Concord, North Carolina Cabarrus Eye Center. Recovery time for LASIK eye surgery is relatively short. Most patients report an immediate improvement in the quality of their vision.

LASIK eye surgery was approved by the FDA in 1998. Since then, millions of people worldwide have had the procedure. In a meta-analysis of studies, researchers found that over 95% of patients who have had LASIK eye surgery are pleased with the outcome of the procedure. 

Although LASIK is a very effective and popular procedure, it may not be the best laser vision correction surgery for you. There are alternatives. The best place to start when considering laser vision correction, whether LASIK or other, is with a knowledgeable, experienced, board certified opthamologist. Dr. Gary Raflo, M.D., F.A.C.S. is the expert in laser eye surgery at Concord, North Carolina Cabarrus Eye Center. Dr. Raflo can provide a full evaluation and assessment of your vision correction needs. He can discuss if LASIK is right for you or if another procedure would be more beneficial.

See more clearly and consider the alternative to glasses or contact lenses. To discuss LASIK eye surgery or other laser vision improvement procedures, make an appointment by calling Cabarrus Eye Care in Concord, North Carolina at 704-782-1127. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Blepharoplasty- Eyelid Surgery in Concord, NC

What is blepharoplasty?  It’s a long word that means eyelid surgery. This type of eyelid surgery is a great way to improve vision and the cosmetic appearance of an eye.

As we grow older, our skin ages and loses its elasticity. The loss of elasticity and the pull of gravity cause excessive skin to collect in the upper and lower eyelids.   These actions sometimes cause wrinkles and bulges on the eyelids. An extra fold of skin may develop that will hang over the eyelashes and obstruct vision.

What is Blepharoplasty – eyelid surgery?

Blepharoplasty is an outpatient eyelid surgery. It can be done with your Concord, North Carolina Cabarrus eye specialist, and usually takes about 30 minutes to an hour.  The procedure is done under a local anesthesia by injecting a painkiller around the eye and also providing an oral sedation.  Sutures are put in the eyelids and remain for up to ten days.

Blepharoplasty- is it covered by insurance?

Most insurance companies cover eyelid surgery if the patient’s eyelids are drooping to a level that his or her vision is impaired. Your Concord, North Carolina Cabarrus eye specialist will help determine if your procedure is medically necessary. If the procedure is not medically necessary, it will be considered a cosmetic procedure and insurance does not cover cosmetic procedures.

How do I find a surgeon who does Blepharoplasty?

Qualified ophthalmologists who perform Lasik eye surgery and Cataract eye surgery are very experienced and familiar with Blepharoplasty surgery. Consult your Concord, North Carolina Cabarrus eye specialist right away to determine if Blepharoplasty is a good option for you.

Friday, July 22, 2011

LASIK Eye Surgery Restores Vision to Many Americans

According to the American Academy of Opthamology, each year about 700,000 Americans undergo LASIK eye surgery to correct vision problems including myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) and astigmatism (vision problem associated with the misshape of the eye). LASIK surgery has a 95.4% satisfaction rate worldwide as reported by the Eye Surgery Education Council. With so many people having such a positive experience, perhaps you should consider if LASIK is right for you.

What is LASIK?

LASIK stands for Laser Assisted In-Situ Kertomileusis. In plain language, it is a vision correction procedure that uses an excimer laser which can reshape and correct the cornea without harming surrounding tissue. It is refractive surgery, a surgery that corrects problems with the cornea and the focusing of light onto the retina, but can be performed in a relatively short period of time as an outpatient procedure. Most people opt for LASIK to reduce or eliminate the need for wearing contacts or corrective lenses.

How does LASIK work?

During the LASIK surgery, a flap is cut in the cornea. When this flap is lifted back, the opthamologist is able to use the excimer laser on the stroma, or middle layer of the cornea. The cornea is the part of the eye that focuses light to create images on the retina. This is called refraction. It is not uncommon for the cornea to be misshapen. By reshaping the cornea, the opthamologist is able to correct vision problems resulting from refraction problems. Once the cornea has been reshaped, corrective lenses or contacts will most likely not be needed or needed only for specific tasks.

Is LASIK safe?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of LASIK eye surgery in 1998. Since that time, millions of Americans have gone through the procedure with great success. As with any surgery, LASIK is not for everyone and a different type of laser eye surgery or other corrective treatment may be more appropriate depending on your circumstances.

The first step to determining if LASIK surgery is right for you is to make an appointment with an experienced, board certified opthamologist who specializes in corrective laser procedures. During the first appointment, the opthamologist will take a full medical history and examine your eyes. The Cabarrus Eye Center doctors, can also explain the procedure in more detail and discuss the outcomes, advantages and possible risks with you. If LASIK is not the best procedure for you, there may be other options. In any event, you can rely on the doctors and staffs at Concord, North Carolina, Cabarrus Eye Care to give you the attention, time and information you need to make the best decision about your eye care.

Dr. Gary Raflo, M.D., F.A.C.S. at Cabarrus Eye Center in Concord, North Carolina is an expert in LASIK and other laser vision correction surgeries. If you are interested in the possibilities LASIK or other laser procedures may hold for your improved vision, make your appointment by calling 704-782-1127.